SIS – First Class@Number 2 – Maths Intervention Tab
For Teaching assistants, KS2 teachers. Session 1 (of 5) Monday 13 January 2025, 09:15– 15:30. Stanton House.Teachers stay for the morning session and Teaching Assistants stay all day. £775 per school for Cambs LA schools & £850 per for academies and out of county schools.
SIS - Success @ Arithmetic – Number Sense – Maths Intervention Tab
For Class teachers and Teaching Assistants. Session 1 of 3. Thursday 16 January 2025, 13:30– 16:00. Stanton House. £775 per school for Cambs LA schools & £850 per for academies and out of county schools.
SIS – Adaptive Writing Teaching – English Tab
For English Leads, KS1 and KS2 teachers. Monday 27 January 2025, 13:30 – 16:30. Over Community Centre. £75 per session for Cambs LA schools & £85 per session for academies and out of county schools.
Body Image for Primary Schools
11th February 2025, 1.30pm-3.30pm. Online. £40 subscribing schools, £50 for non-subscribing schools.
Audience: PSHE leads and KS2 teachers in primary schools.
Drug & Alcohol Education in Primary & Special Schools
12th February 2025, 3.30pm-5.30pm. Online. £40 subscribing schools, £50 for non-subscribing schools.
Audience: All staff
Exploring Gender
25th February 2025, 3.30pm-5pm or 4th June 2025, 2pm-3.30pm. Online. £40 subscribing schools, £50 for non-subscribing schools.
Audience: All staff in primary, special and secondary schools
British Gymnastics Teachers Trampolining Award – Refresher
20th January 2025 or 30th June 2025, 9am-3.30pm. St Ivo School, St Ives. £179
Audience: KS3/4 secondary PE staff
What Ofsted Expects of PE? What PE can expect of Ofsted? NEW DATE
27th January 2025, 1.30pm-4.30pm. Sunley House, Papworth Everard. Cambridgeshire Maintained Schools £93, All Academies and Non-Cambridgeshire Schools £111
Audience: PE teachers, subject leaders, SLT for all schools and settings.
Training for New or Inexperienced PE Subject Leaders in Primary Schools
13th February 2025, 1.30pm-3.30pm. Online. £49 for Cambs maintained schools, £54 for Cambs Academies and all non-Cambs schools
Audience: Teachers and coaches who have been given responsibility for the leadership of PE in primary schools and settings.
Algorithms and Programming in Key Stage 1
For teachers of computing in Key Stage 1, Thursday 16 January, 09:30 – 15:30. The Old Bridge Hotel, Huntingdon. Free, with £205 supply-cover subsidy for eligible schools.
Assessment of Primary Computing
For subject leaders of computing or assessment leads, Friday 24 January, 10:00 – 16:00, Live Remote CPD. Free, with £205 supply-cover subsidy for eligible schools.
Introduction to Primary Computing (twilights)
For all teachers of computing, Mondays 27 January, 10 & 24 February, 15:45 – 17:15
Live Remote CPD. Free
SEND Course 1/3. Developing relationships with SEND children.
For any member of staff working with SEND children. Monday 20th January16:00-17:00 The Nene Infant & Nursery School, Wisbech. £30 for one session £75 for 3
Primary Music Network Meeting
For all staff leading music in a primary setting. Opportunity to share and discuss resources. Monday 3rd March 16:00-17:00. This webinar is free for those who have completed the Self-Assessment Survey or £30.
Making Effective Use of Your TA
For class Teachers, 16th January 2025, 13:30 – 15:30
Online - £60
Preparing for Year 2 Teacher Assessment
For Year 2 Teachers, 28th January 2025, 13:30 – 16:00
Face to Face Winhills Primary, St Neots - £60
Moderating Year 2 Teacher Assessment
For Year 2 Teachers, 1st April 2025, 13:30 – 16:00
Face to Face Winhills Primary, St Neots - £60
FREE Secondary Science TeachMeet
For Secondary Teachers. Monday 13th January, 15.30 – 16.30. Online webinar. £0
Engaging Science in EYFS
For Primary Teachers. Tuesday 14th January, 15.30 – 17.30. Online webinar. £40
Reactivity of Metals (KS3 Chemistry Subject Knowledge Enhancement)
For Secondary Teachers. Thursday 16th January, 15.30 – 16.30. Online webinar. £20